Blooming Zenies Trailer


Our humorous fairy posse protects, mentors, and guides children toward humanistic behaviors (emotional intelligence) as a multicultural family goes through trying circumstances, empowering them to build character and prepare for success as adults.

The family cared for by the Blooming Zenies consist of: …and their adopted daughter of ambiguous ethnicity, Emma and then there’s Huelia, our trans-zenie


Billy – 9 years old. 

Emma – 7 years old.

Dad (Neil) – Late 20’s.

Mom (Alexia) – Late 20’s. 

Ms. Laelia – Beautiful like Miss Kitty on “Gunsmoke.” 

Floret – Easily flustered.

Huelia – Transgender  

Buddy Mae – Everybody’s best friend.  

Blossom – Stuck in the esoteric examination of the cosmic meaning of everything.  Petunia 

Beazus – Nerdy bee tag along.

Petalia – Uptown hipster from the U.K.

Pollenora – Ever-cheerful Southern belle. Zinnia  

Release Date



Kids Animated Television



Blooming Zenies Trailer

Mindfulness, a $1Billion dollar industry in 2015, is now a $2Billion dollars industry, and calculated to reach $9Billion by 2027, a CAGR of 10.40%.

More than 20 years of research shows that social and emotional learning helps students achieve more academically and make better decisions

– Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence

You are invited to join a conscious parenting group, focused on raising Emotional Intelligence of children and empowering them for the life ahead.